Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summertime Pictures!

Got a bunch of pictures off Ric's phone last night:

Marshmallow Roasting.

Annalyn's Acting Workshop. Annalyn's in the blue fluffy dress.

Connor and Sawyer with Storm Troopers at the Days of '47 Youth Festival.

Annalyn and Connor working on their wood projects. Note Annalyn sticking out her tongue. :P

The answer to the question: Exactly how nerdy is Denise in the summertime? I don't trust sunscreen so I always have my floppy hat AND an umbrella so I can carry my own shade. I have the spray bottle to keep cool. My dear husband never makes a peep about my ridiculousness.

Sawyer goes to a water play party and they gave him some presents for his birthday.

Getting silly at the thrift store while getting pioneer clothes for Patrick's trek. Patrick put on the hat, sat in that chair and said, "now I'm ready to knit!"

At the Quick Wits show Saturday night.

Sawyer's present ceremony on Sunday night. I wanted to do a whole post with pictures about our present ceremonies but the pictures all turned out horribly fuzzy. This is the best one.

The basics of the present ceremony are: We choose a game to play for the ceremony.Usually it's a quick board game but it could also be something like charades. We play a round of the game and the winner of the round gets to pick which present the birthday person opens first. (I have been known to hold The Major Gift aside to not open until the end). After the opening and ooohing and aahing, we play another round of the game and choose again. It makes the Present Ceremony fun for everyone and also makes the Birthday Kid try really hard to win the game so he/she can choose the gift that looks most interesting to them.

I like it because it rounds out the present opening and makes it feel larger and more fun than it would be to just tear into 7 or 8 gifts. Also, it makes excitement for everyone to try to be the game winner and get to choose the gift.

Sawyer blows out the candles on his cake. We lit them twice because the first time he blew them all out as soon as we started singing to him. Apparently we need to explain the birthday rituals in detail to the younger children.

1 comment:

  1. I miss my family...we soooo need to do the toasted marshmallows when you come...Patrick looked like Mrs. Nesbit LOL...awwww Sawyers B-day...Happy B-day Sawyer!! we love you :)...we need to play that game we played at easter too...that was fun :)what a fun family I have...we're playing games tonight with the Danleys :)
