Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Ordeal, Part II: Miscarriage of Justice

On Friday morning I was dismissed from the hospital and told that I didn't need to have bed rest but I needed to take it easy. I thought it was an odd set of instructions since I couldn't do anything BUT stay in bed with my head down if I wanted to stay conscious.

I came home and stayed in bed and drank lots of juice and water and slept. Unfortunately, however, my body had decided that it was no longer going to be a vessel for carrying around my blood and began quickly to put all of my blood outside of my body instead.

I called the doctor Friday afternoon to tell him I was still soooo dizzy and soooo nauseous and he said that I was going to feel bad for a while and it was normal.

By Saturday morning, I really, really tried to be able to make it downstairs to watch the parade. I could NOT stand long enough to get anywhere. Every trip to the bathroom was making me dizzier and dizzier. I was losing a LOT of blood.

In the afternoon, I called Ric to help me back to the bed, but could not make it the whole way. I slipped out of his arms and fainted again. Ric called the on call doctor and was told I should come back in if I was passing out again.

My blood pressure was not as low the second time I got to the ER as it was on Thursday. They got me settled into a room and tried to get me hooked up to an IV again.

My good veins had all been used on Thursday's visit and were now bruised and uncommunicative. My okay veins weren't big enough to hold the size of IV needles that we needed. All of my veins were kind of hiding anyway because they were tired and they knew what they were in for. The attendant called in the "best" IV nurse and she was able to get 2 needles in me that were large enough for giving me blood.

My blood count was especially low so they gave me 3 units of blood. Then they gave me another ultrasound and decided to do a d&c.

After the d&c they told me that they thought one of the things that appeared to be a blood clot might have actually been something crucial to the miscarriage because once they got that removed, my cervix was able to close.

They checked me into the hospital overnight to observe me. It was a good thing because my blood pressure and blood count dropped really low in the middle of the night again and they gave me 2 more units of blood.

My blood pressure was still very low this morning, but crept up toward the afternoon and was comparatively high when they dismissed me after lunch. I am feeling soooooooo much better now.

While I was in the hospital again, I received many gifts and visitors at my house. My kids said they didn't know if they were supposed to tell people anything so no one was told that I was back in the ER. I'm sure I seem rude to have not said anything to my visitors. :) Thank you to everyone who stopped by. My phone was left off the base while I was gone, so if anyone called, I can't check messages yet.

I do feel so much better this time than the last time I was released so I think I'll be able to stay home now.

Ric said he was very worried about me this second trip to the hospital because I wasn't even making any jokes.


  1. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! You poor thing. SO. NOT. COOL. Is that considered a blood transfusion? I seriously can't believe you went through all that...and STILL had to get a D&C. I am hoping that solved the problem for good!?!?!?! Keeping you in my prayers. Kim

  2. They did call it a blood transfusion. It sounds super serious and complex but really it just meant that they hooked up blood to my already existing IV's instead of the clear hydration solution they'd been giving me before. I personally didn't have to go through any additional discomfort for it.

    The d&c seemed to solve everything. I wish they had done it the first day but for whatever reason my doctor kept deciding against it. I wonder a little if she just didn't want to have to come in to do it when she knew that it would be a different doctor on call the next day if I had to come back. I hate to think that about people though.

    When I left my blood count was 24 or 26 and I hear that normal is around 40. They had told me specifically that my blood would still be low and I'd have to build it back up, but I am within a range that they felt was safe. So, I'm out of the worry zone, but still have to take it easy a lot to build up this blood.

    Thank you for all the sympathy. Makes me feel validated.
