Sunday, July 11, 2010

How We're Doing

I've been so touched by everyone's concern. We've received flowers, plants, cookies, cupcakes, cards, inspirational books, candy, and many visits from well wishers. Thank you all.

Emotionally we are doing well. We felt that something was different with this pregnancy from the beginning and we had never fully committed our hearts to the idea that we would be permitted to keep this child. I think that helped us to heal. We have definitely been comforted during this loss and are at peace.

Physically I am also doing much better. I have been REALLY taking it easy all week. I have slept much and watched tv much and didn't drive and didn't do housework and didn't do errands. My family took care of all of that for me.

RJ has been doing all the driving. Patrick has been doing all the cooking. Connor and Annalyn have helped to keep Sawyer occupied. Everyone has taken care of laundry and dishes and housework. The kids have been great.

On Saturday I felt significantly less dizzy, nauseous and tired. So, we went out for a little bit. I actually got dress in jeans, not pajamas, and did my hair and put on makeup and jewelry and shoes and we went out.

First, Ric and I took Sawyer grocery shopping. We went to Sam's Club for the Saturday event that Ric and I call "snack time". Sawyer joined us because the poor boy has hardly left the house for 3 weeks.

As we tasted our many samples and did our much shopping, I said to Sawyer, "Do you like this fun party?" He said, "Yeah." It's all about the spin.

After the Sam's Club party, we grabbed the whole family and went to the dollar theater to see, How to Train Your Dragon. Really fun movie. I enjoyed it a lot and it took my mind off my troubles, which was good.

Immediately following our movie, we went to Terri's house (Ric's sister) for a family dinner. She made fish tacos and beef tacos and guacamole and mango salsa and mucho other deliciosos.

While we were there I got to see Ric's Aunt Susan (the author of Hymn #220, "Lord, I Would Follow Thee". /close brag) and watch a video that made of their family about genealogy. Their son Jared (Ric's cousin)was in it playing the bag pipes. I've seen Jared play the bag pipes before at funerals. It's super cool. He wears the short skirt and the long socks and everything.

Sawyer really wanted to know the purpose of the party at Terri's house. He wanted to know who's birthday it was. It seems that, when you're three, you don't have a party unless it's for a birthday.

On Sunday morning, I ventured out to church. Apart from the IV site bruises that are still on both of my elbows, I could have passed for a healthy person who gets out of bed every day.

In the last hour of church, I started getting a lot of cramping and pain. I made the choice not to leave early because I was so excited to be out and visiting with people. But, I am taking it easy the rest of today.

Ric helped the kids roast marshmallows over candles and make s'mores. RJ borrowed Monster House from friends and we're going to watch it on the projector as our Sunday Family Movie.

Pictures here from the marshmallow roasting and the Sam's Club Party. It would have made sense to also have gathered some pictures from the family dinner party, which probably explains why we didn't.

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