Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Acting Workshop

We had a full day today and I spent more time out and about than I have since I got home from the hospital. But, it really couldn't be helped.

Connor, Patrick and Annalyn have been in an acting workshop this summer. It was a 6 day class offered by the West Jordan Youth Theater which is the same group that put on the Wonderland play Connor was in last spring. Today was their final class and it ended with a performance.

Annalyn starred in her short play as The Princess Who Couldn't Sleep. She put on some princess dress up clothes and I put make up on her. [because the rule here is the same as when I grew up: If it's any kind of costume occasion, you're allowed to wear make up.]

Patrick and Connor were in the older class who's focus was dramatic readings and projecting your voice. They did an inventive reading of Poe's The Bells. Liked it. Both boys had plain masks that they were supposed to decorate to show some emotion for their final reading.

I thanked their teacher for putting on the workshop and she said that my kids were fun to work with and all had talent in their own way. She may say that to everyone, but it still felt nice to hear it. I think they're pretty amazing.

We had 2 hours after the performance before Science and Play so we took care of some errands instead of going back home. I went to the DI and bought shorts for Sawyer. He's got something against wearing pants at home. He thinks he can't run fast in pants. But, he's okay with shorts. So, we needed more of them. The toddler shorts at DI are only $2 each which was totally within my budget. It's probably an outrageous price for used clothing compared to what I might pay from a garage sale, but I didn't have the time or energy to hunt garage sales this weekend for just the right size.

I also found some cute patriotic decor that I thought I'd like to display through Labor Day and 3 pairs of really nice snow gloves for $1.50 that I think I'll be very happy about next winter. Connor bought Annalyn a toy for the pool with his own money. I purchased purple stationary for Annalyn to keep in touch with her good friend in Nevada.

[Okay, Okay, so I'll divulge my other purchases too because we're all friends here. I did purchase some toys that Sawyer seemed to really enjoy because it's his birthday on Saturday and I plan to wrap them up and give them to him along with other presents that will be newer. I know the DI doesn't have stuff in the best shape, but quantity is nice at a 4th birthday.]

Following the DI, I ran into the grocery store to supplement the picnic food I'd brought from home. I had homemade pizza rolls, crackers and cookies, but I got us a drink, some apples and pudding.

Then we went to the cowboy park for our picnic. The kids ended up not being super hungry (maybe the heat??) but they did manage to force down the pudding and soda. Oh well. They eat really healthy most of the time.

We had some time to play at the park before Science and Play. The kids played while I worked on my Sharing Time lesson for Sunday.

Normally I would not have forced going to Science and Play after an already long day when I'm supposed to be taking it easy. But, I really, really wanted to see my friends and missed spending time with Stephanie, AND I had a way cool puzzle book to show her for a fun event she's cooking up.

Sci and Play was great. Stephanie had a kit to turn juice into carbonated juice by giving it access to vinegar and baking soda without mixing it. She says she got this kit free on with her Geek Points. Love it. I think my TiVo should hand me over some Lazy Points. Heaven knows I've earned them.

We stayed an hour longer for Sci and Play than usual to fit in all our girl talk and I came home with a whole stack of old issues of BrainChild magazines to read through. Yippee!

This is such a long and drab post. But there was a lot of information to fit into today.

Patrick's reading partner for his acting workshop. This girl really liked Patrick. I had to tell him because he didn't realize. She seemed like a nice girl and announced that she wanted a copy of this picture and Patrick's phone number.

Patrick and Connor get psyched about acting!

In the masks they designed. Patrick's is depicting Happy and Connor is Rage.

Actors! Sawyer is snacking in the background. He introduced himself to everyone in the place.

More Sawyer snacking. Maybe this is why no one was very hungry at the picnic.

Picnic. Sawyer LOVED that teeny book at the DI. He loved it so much that he took it to Science and Play and left it there.

Pudding Face.

Connor is dubious about picnicing. He wants to take his pudding home and make it into a pudding pop instead of eating it. We chatted about not being quite so creative about everything and he agreed to just eat his pudding in its intended form.

The Soda Making Kit. You put the vinegar into one bottle and add a tube of baking soda. You put the plain juice into the other bottle. Attach the tubes at the top. Shake to release the baking soda. Gotta shake enough to create the carbonation but not so much that any of the vinegar goes through the tube and gets into your juice.

The cute wooden patriotic pieces I bought today.

Annalyn put them out on the piano and took this picture for me.

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