Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What to Write About

My personality really does not suit a blog. The kind of things that enter my mind to write about are not things that can be set out in the general public.

When your children are very young, you can write about the frustrations of toilet training and not getting enough sleep and keeping up with the housework and it doesn't make anybody look bad.

You cannot, however, complain on your blog about your autistic kid or your rebellious kid without making your child look bad. These are not your everyday, garden variety stinky diapers and soured sippy cups genre of posts. Once your kids are older, you give them a bad reputation if you discuss their trials publicly.

I could have an anonymous blog, but then no one would read it. I don't have anything to write that would induce strangers to read and I really don't care to write for strangers. I don't like people all that much.

I could also choose to write about our adventures rather than my musings, but we aren't having any right now. We do plenty for the holidays because I like holidays, but, in the summertime, I spend a lot of days just waiting it out. I find I am really lost this time of year. I don't know what to do with me.

This summer in particular I find myself poised for.....I don't know what. Fun? Adventure? Disaster? Depression? I don't know. I feel weird lately. Without form and void. I have every freedom available to me but don't know where to direct it. I feel that I should get out, but I have no where to go.

So, anyway, plenty on my mind but it's not for this audience and there's really nothing at all going on outside of my mind.

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