Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Foot Feats

I have a checklist of things to get done before my *relaxing* summer officially begins and it's gone so much more smoothly than I supposed it would.

Every day I find little pockets of time that allow me to get a few more dinners tucked into the freezer, a few more little spots in my house organized, a few daunting errands checked off and a little more laundry put away (a hearty task on it's own as I have no working dryer).

Surprisingly, energy is not the thing that's holding me back from getting it all done at once. It's this stupid pain in my foot.

Remember the b'sgusting story on facebook of how they dug the glass out of my foot a few months ago? Well, it's still stinging me sometimes. My theory? I think I still have a teeny sliver of glass in there and it's poking me when I walk on it.

However, I can't have it taken care of yet. When I go in to get my foot cut into again, that means that I won't be able to walk around again for a few weeks. I don't have time for that right now. So, although getting this last (hopefully!) piece of glass out might mean that I walk pain free in a month, I can't afford that month just yet.

Also, I don't know where to have it done. Oddly, I made an appointment with my regular doctor to see about my foot. And, she said she thought she could get the glass out right there in her office. Now the insurance company doesn't want to pay because they say she is not an authorized provider for digging stuff out of my foot. I can see her for regular stuff, but not foot digging outering. Doesn't make sense, right? Shouldn't they balk if I go to an expert for something that a general practitioner can do and not complain if I choose to have the LESS EXPENSIVE doctor do the work? Also, how was I supposed to know that going to the doctor for foot pain and having her work on the foot pain end up being 2 separate issues that I need an okay on?

So, do I make another appt with this doctor and then get a referral and then pay 2 co-pays to one doctor for the referral and one doctor for the actual diagnosis and removal? Or do I just go straight to the specialist? I don't know.

I've got to call the insurance company and get it figured out and I just haven't done it. Hassles. I don't like hassles. I like simple. But, I also like no sharp pain when I walk so....there it is.


  1. OUCH! Although, there is NEVER a good month for a mom to be recovering from foot cutter-outing, summer is DEFINITELY not recommended. Maybe in January when there is a foot of snow on the ground.

  2. So I could have one regular foot and one foot of snow?

  3. Just try to get to a podiatrist and they'll get ya all fixed up!...sorry Neen, I hate pain!..maybe don't wear the sketchers for a few days and see if it feels any better?

  4. Fishy I wore my old sneakers yday instead of the sketchers and No Pain! Hmmm, maybe I need to wear the regular shoes until I get this foot thing fixed. Hate to tho' 'cause the sketchers fix my back problems. Decisions, decisions....
