Monday, June 28, 2010

The Dream List

I've had a wish list for a long time and I've got a lot of the items on my wish list already. Today I saw a show where the main character has a Dream List. It includes things like kayaking and camping and riding a bike. Mostly things she didn't know she'd ever be able to do because of health problems.

So I thought, Should I have a Dream List? It sounds fun. I like the idea of having a list of things to check off. I don't know that I'd put ANYTHING outdoorsy on my Dream List. Outdoors is not my friend. There's always something out there waiting to sting me or bite me or burn me in some way.

Here are my preliminary ideas for my Dream List:

1. Go on vacation with JUST my immediate family to a location where we don't know anybody. (seems so tame, right? But, I haven't accomplished it to date, so, there it is.)

2. Go to law school.

3. Take my children to Hong Kong.

4. Go on a cruise with my whole family.

5. Gather a group of close friends to spend time with regularly.

That's all I've got for now. Kinda pathetic as a Dream List. I guess I already have most of the stuff that I really want from life. My kids are healthy and wonderful, my husband is gentle and good and cherishes me. I don't dream of much more than that. I'll imagine that I used to have a much longer Dream List, but I've fulfilled most of it already. :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What to Write About

My personality really does not suit a blog. The kind of things that enter my mind to write about are not things that can be set out in the general public.

When your children are very young, you can write about the frustrations of toilet training and not getting enough sleep and keeping up with the housework and it doesn't make anybody look bad.

You cannot, however, complain on your blog about your autistic kid or your rebellious kid without making your child look bad. These are not your everyday, garden variety stinky diapers and soured sippy cups genre of posts. Once your kids are older, you give them a bad reputation if you discuss their trials publicly.

I could have an anonymous blog, but then no one would read it. I don't have anything to write that would induce strangers to read and I really don't care to write for strangers. I don't like people all that much.

I could also choose to write about our adventures rather than my musings, but we aren't having any right now. We do plenty for the holidays because I like holidays, but, in the summertime, I spend a lot of days just waiting it out. I find I am really lost this time of year. I don't know what to do with me.

This summer in particular I find myself poised for.....I don't know what. Fun? Adventure? Disaster? Depression? I don't know. I feel weird lately. Without form and void. I have every freedom available to me but don't know where to direct it. I feel that I should get out, but I have no where to go.

So, anyway, plenty on my mind but it's not for this audience and there's really nothing at all going on outside of my mind.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Picnic FHE

Seems the only fun thing we do anymore is play disc golf. Sawyer really wanted to play outside yesterday so we arranged to have a picnic and disc golf as part of our FHE. I told RJ he could invite some friends also. In order to add a spiritual component, we talked about the 5 Roles of the Holy Ghost in the car on the way home. Spirituality? Check.

Here's some pictures:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Foot Feats

I have a checklist of things to get done before my *relaxing* summer officially begins and it's gone so much more smoothly than I supposed it would.

Every day I find little pockets of time that allow me to get a few more dinners tucked into the freezer, a few more little spots in my house organized, a few daunting errands checked off and a little more laundry put away (a hearty task on it's own as I have no working dryer).

Surprisingly, energy is not the thing that's holding me back from getting it all done at once. It's this stupid pain in my foot.

Remember the b'sgusting story on facebook of how they dug the glass out of my foot a few months ago? Well, it's still stinging me sometimes. My theory? I think I still have a teeny sliver of glass in there and it's poking me when I walk on it.

However, I can't have it taken care of yet. When I go in to get my foot cut into again, that means that I won't be able to walk around again for a few weeks. I don't have time for that right now. So, although getting this last (hopefully!) piece of glass out might mean that I walk pain free in a month, I can't afford that month just yet.

Also, I don't know where to have it done. Oddly, I made an appointment with my regular doctor to see about my foot. And, she said she thought she could get the glass out right there in her office. Now the insurance company doesn't want to pay because they say she is not an authorized provider for digging stuff out of my foot. I can see her for regular stuff, but not foot digging outering. Doesn't make sense, right? Shouldn't they balk if I go to an expert for something that a general practitioner can do and not complain if I choose to have the LESS EXPENSIVE doctor do the work? Also, how was I supposed to know that going to the doctor for foot pain and having her work on the foot pain end up being 2 separate issues that I need an okay on?

So, do I make another appt with this doctor and then get a referral and then pay 2 co-pays to one doctor for the referral and one doctor for the actual diagnosis and removal? Or do I just go straight to the specialist? I don't know.

I've got to call the insurance company and get it figured out and I just haven't done it. Hassles. I don't like hassles. I like simple. But, I also like no sharp pain when I walk so....there it is.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I reposted these rules from the Notes section of facebook because I wanted them recorded more accessibly here.

EVEN MORE Weird Rules We've Had to Make at Our House

o Don't stuff your pockets with candy and cheerios on Fast Sunday.

o Don't stuff your pockets with candy and cheerios on ANY Sunday.

o Don't drink part of the sacrament water and then pour the rest into the other cups on the tray.

o Shower, don't just pretend to shower.

o Cleaning a room means putting things where they go, not just moving the stuff from the middle of the room to the edges of the room.

o Deodorant is not only for days that you'll be seeing girls.

o Find NEW batteries. The remote batteries are not NEW batteries and they are not for you to swipe.

o No sandals in the snow. No snowboots to the water park. Even if you can't find your shoes.

o Find your shoes.

o Find your OWN shoes.

o Flush.

o Wash your hands.

o With soap.

o Dry them, too.

o Towel, not shirt.

o Napkin, not shirt.

o Toilet paper, not nothing.

o Wear socks to church.

o Wear MATCHING socks to church.

o Wear MATCHING socks that are YOUR SIZE to church.

o Don't take off your socks and juggle them in the hallway of church.

o When the waitress stops by our table to see how we're doing, don't say to her, "More steak, please!" This is awkward.

o The pole to our beach umbrella is not a weapon. Please don't carry it over to the school and tell the vice principal you brought it "for self defense". Especially if you don't even attend the school.

More Weird Rules We've Had to Make at Our House

My list of stuff I left off was too long to not create another list:

o You eat hot dogs from a plate, not out of your pocket.

o Once it's dropped on the ground, it ceases to be food. I don't care how many cutesy rules you know that say otherwise.

o The expensive sliced cheddar is for SANDWICHES, not to eat 12 at a time as a snack.

o You don't need to prepare one package of ramen in my largest salad bowl.

o Don't salt your ramen until it crunches when you eat it.

o If you sweep one square of tile and leave the rest of the kitchen full of crumbs, you can't honestly claim that you "DID sweep the tile."

o Sort, Wash, Dry, Fold, Put Away. Don't stuff a wad of unsorted clothes into the washer, forget about them for 3 days and then expect me to throw a parade in your honor because you "did the laundry."

o Mommy gets to know all of your passwords. No, you don't get any privacy. No, you really don't. No, it's not a right. No, it isn't. Yeah, you go ahead and give me the stink stare.

o When told to clear off the counter, don't pretend that you really *thought* the peanut butter and jelly BELONGS on the counter all the time. Really? We don't even keep the toaster or the salt and pepper on the counter, but I'm supposed to believe that you think I want the counters clear of EVERYTHING except the peanut butter and jelly? Really? What am I, new?

o Don't pour a g-i-a-n-t bowl of the last of the salsa, dip two chips in it and then toss the rest in the sink because you're done with it.

o Just because it's in your room and it's made out of cloth, it doesn't belong in the dirty clothes. This includes rugs, shoes, slippers, umbrellas, book covers, belts, stuffed animals, church ties, backpacks, barbie clothes, bookmarks, throw pillows and miniature pieces from your dollhouse.

o If it's in your room and it's NOT made out of cloth, it definitely does not belong in the dirty clothes. This includes candy wrappers, money, chopsticks, popcorn kernals, pokemon cards, dice, and library books.

o The cat box is not self-cleaning

o Neither is the bathroom.

o Or the kitchen.

o Or your bedroom.

o You've all had enough to eat.

Weird Rules We've Had to Make at Our House

It seems like most of these things shouldn't have to be rules in order to be followed, and yet, they do.

o If it's not food, don't eat it.

o You have to shower and get dressed even on days that we're not going anywhere.

o I know you think you've found a loophole in the "get dressed every day" rule, but you can't wear the clothes you wore during the day as pajamas and then continue to wear them as your clothes for the next day.

o You are not a superhero. Please don't wear a blanket around the house all day.

o You are not a werewolf. Please put on a shirt.

o You are not Marky Mark. Please hitch up your britches.

o We're having bread WITH dinner, not FOR dinner.

o Brushing your teeth is not an action reserved only for special occassions.

o Your toothpaste is not too spicy.

o The cat doesn't want to take a bath with you.

o Kleenex, not fingers.

o Don't pick the lock on my bedroom door and bust in because you *thought* you heard me say, "Come in."

o Flatulence is not the punchline to any joke.

Stuff You Must Own

In lieu of legitimate writing, I've taken to entering lists into my blog. This is a trend that will not end today.

My List Of Stuff You Must Own:

1. L'oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara in Blackest Black

This product is sooooo cool. It does make your lashes look longer, but, more importantly, it Does Not Smudge! Ever! Not at night. Not in the shower. Not when you rub your eyes. Never, never, never do you have smudges under your eyes. And, get this, you take it off just by smoothing your hand over your eyes with warm water. No special removers, JUST warm water. It slides off in little tubes that look like spider legs. No running down your face making you look like Bat Girl.

Don't bother with colors other than blackest black. It will be far lighter than your usual mascara and blackest black is really the only color that's worth putting on. You can buy it at Walmart for about $8 - $10. I wear it all the time and I'm on the same tube since February.

2. Got 2 Be Fat*Tas*Tic Mousse and Hairspray.

This really does work to make your hair look thicker. If you have pathetic, puny hair like mine, it's great! I get mine at Walgreens for $5.99 a bottle, but you can also get it at

3. Liquid Lecithin and Instant Yeast.

If you bake your own bread, these 2 products make it so fast and simple! I can bake 4 loaves of bread, start to finish, in 1 hour. The instant yeast is $4 for 2 packages at Sam's Club and you can get the liquid lecithin at for $8 a bottle. The bottle is large and you only use 3 tbs for every 4 loaves of bread so it lasts a long time. You can use this to make white or wheat bread. I've also used this dough to make jelly rolls, pizza dough and dough for homemade hot pockets.

4. The ModestTee.

This is a one piece body suit that you can wear under any shirt or dress to make it modest at the sleeves, neckline and waist. It snaps underneath so that you don't have to tug on it to keep it in place when you sit and bend. The material is thin enough to not be bulky under clothing, but thick enough to be worn alone if you choose. I have a black one and a white one and I wear them nearly every day. Buy it at

5. Solartex Swimwear.

If, like me, you cannot be in the sun for more than 10 minutes without burning, and if, like me, you hate hate hate sunscreen and always miss a spot and get burnt anyway, you need this swimwear. I wear the full suit over my regular suit and it protects my skin from ankle to wrist. Also, then I don't have to bare my disgusting white skin to the world every summer. It looks sporty, like a surf suit, but it's light material, like body armor. Very comfy. Also nice if you, like me, prefer to not have your thighs hanging out of your bathing suit. They have all different styles of sun protection for men, women and children but the one I got is here:

6. Clearplay.

I love my Clearplay. It edits out any language, violence, adult content, whatever you might not like. You just add the filters to a thumb drive from their website and play the movie on your Clearplay dvd player. The filter removes the content you tell it to remove. They have had some glitches (I hear the new high def ones do not), but Clearplay is very good about replacing any of their players that have problems.

7. Hair and Nail Salon on 90th and Redwood.

Ok, this isn't something that you own, but you really need to be getting your haircuts here. It's $10 for a shampoo and cut and they are VERY good. I have always had to curl and style my hair in some way my whole life to get it to have some body. Somehow, Minh is able to give me a haircut that works with the straightness in my hair and makes it look GOOD! I don't know how they do it. I've been to their other stylists also and they are ALL good. They make Ric's hair look amazing. And, it's cheaper than going to Walmart OR Great Clips.

They will charge you extra to dry or style it, so be aware of that. No appointment necessary.

8. Irene, the masseuse.

Also, not a thing to own, but a great masseuse to use if you live in the area. Irene does an hour long massage in her home for $35. She's very skilled and makes you feel very comfortable, if, like me, you get weirded out thinking about getting a massage. My knots and back pain will start to pile up until I am taking something for pain and headaches daily. Then I go to Irene and she gets out all the knots and I feel better for a MONTH. She lives in West Jordan. Message me for her phone number if you're interested.

9. Washington Online School District k12 curriculum.

We've used this program for our homeschooling for about 5 years. I really like that it's free and it's colorful and it's on the computer. It's very non-invasive. I take the kids for their testing twice a year and I record our attendance on the website. That's the only thing I have to do. I figure it's worth it in exchange for free. My kids love all the stuff that shows up in the mail for their learning in August. The company gives you everything (except a few little items like cotton balls that you might need for a science experiment) you need to teach for the year for each grade. Also there is a website with all of your child's classes for the day listed. You can customize what classes they do each day. You can also choose which lessons to teach and which ones to skip and how much to teach on each lesson. We are assigned a teacher who is there just to answer questions and tell us about new field trips and opportunities that come up in the program (this year my kids went to a space camp field trip, a valentine's day skate party and joined an online choir.) I make contact with her once a week by email. There is even a foreign language program. Sooo easy!

The k12 curriculum is available in other states, but the programs are different. Don't know much about them. You can go to to see what's offered in your state.

10. Skechers Shape Ups.

Ric bought me these shoes for Mother's Day and I love them. They are so comfy. I can work all day in them without my feet getting sore. Also, it works to strengthen my muscles enough that it keeps my back in place and causes me less pain. I used to get one hip out of place every so often and it caused me much pain. Now that my lower back muscles are stronger from the shoes, that hip stays in place and doesn't give me any trouble. I got mine online from Famous Footwear with a 20% off coupon for $80.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Lofty Summer Goals

1. Read the Book of Mormon in 90 days.

2. Finish the Uglies series.

3. Finish the Midnighters series.

4. Start Christmas present preparation.

5. Watch every episode of SpongeBob Squarepants.

6. Watch every (acceptable)episode of The Simpsons. Don't you judge me.

7. Teach Annalyn cursive.

8. Help Connor get through reading our Church History book.

9. Help Sawyer learn his letters and numbers.

10. Encourage RJ and Patrick to continue preparing for the ACT.

11. Read the So You Want to Be a Wizard series.

12. Get caught up on political news.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

I woke up at 4:30 yesterday morning and couldn't sleep any longer. So I got up and did some work.

We'd done our big shopping at Sams Club on Saturday and I had plans. I made 3 batches of chicken and cheese hot pockets (SO easy when I use the new method of making dough that doesn't need to rise first. Mix the dough and shape it immediately!) and 3 batches of egg, bacon and potato hot pockets. Got those put in the freezer for easy dinners. Yeah!

While I was cooking all morning, Ric and the kids cleaned out the garage. Then they cleaned out my van. (it was asgusting!) RJ took all the mats out and washed them with the hose and vacuumed the entire van and wiped down all the surfaces. It looks soooooo good! Yippee for good kids!

Then we all went to the park to play disk golf. Ric has been wanting to do this as a family for weeks and weeks. It was much more fun than I thought it would be. RJ says this is mostly because it wasn't sunny. He thinks that was the big selling feature for me.

Sawyer loved disk golfing. He says, "I'm going to find the bak-set. I want to play more golf-es." One time the kids yelled, "Hit the deck!" when they were about to throw and right at that time, Sawyer tripped and fell flat to the grass. The kids were sure that he'd flattened himself purposely in response to their call so they kept yelling "Hit the deck!!" every time they were about to throw.

Connor said, "I've invented a new scoring method for beginners. You take the score that you get and then you subtract one." I said, "That sounds like the old *cheating* method rather than the new scoring method." A few times after that when Connor would report his score he'd say, "Seven. But, if you're using the Beginner's Scoring Method, six." In case we couldn't do that math on that one.

Connor's disk hit Patrick in the tushie one time. Connor thought it was so funny that he later hit RJ in the tushie with one throw.

Annalyn, Sawyer and Connor found sticks to sword fight with. I'm not sure if sword fighting has a place in the Official Disk Golf Rules, but George Disk Golf Rules do allow it.

RJ's disk went over the fence into a high weeded area. RJ said, "I'm going over to Terabithia to retrieve my disk." Annalyn decided to follow him. RJ, not realizing, decided to pee while he was hidden in the trees and weeds. Annalyn was appropriately disgusted (as was I when I heard about it later.) Boys love to pee outdoors.

Here are pictures from our fun, fun day:

[I especially wanted pictures of Patrick because he looked so cute yesterday with his hair just right -- he looked like a surfer boy! Somehow, we ended up with not one close up on Patrick. :( ]