Friday, May 28, 2010

blog trickery

I've decided that blogs make people look good.

I choose the pictures.

I choose the stories.

I choose the spin on the stories.

I edit the details.

Also, if you smoosh all of my entries of all of my doings together and get to read them in a row, it'll look like we do lots of stuff. Really, we only do fun stuff a few times a month (if that) and the inbetween stuff is all doldrums. But, smooshed together in the blog, we'll look like we are ALL ABOUT THE FUN!

like it.

Now I just gotta wait for some fun stuff to show up. Nothing yet.


  1. Yep. I used to read a blog where the writer was totally up-front about using it as a place to focus on the positive, beautiful, special moments in her day and with her family. And then sometimes commenters would complain that life couldn't be that perfect. (duh)
