Wednesday, August 12, 2009

10 Things I Hate About Who?

Annalyn told me today that one of her friends told her that his mom thinks I don't like her (the mom) very much. Obviously, this in-direct information is very reliable.

But, it does make me want to find out who the mom is. I wonder if it's someone I even know or if the kids have it all wrong. The way I see it, I'm such white trash lousy company myself, I can't afford to dislike anyone without a really good reason, and perhaps not even then.

I am curious now because I do like to meet people who seem to need friends. It's sooooo much easier to connect to someone who is willing to be connected to. I live in a more affluent area than my last house and I have got the feeling that many people here already have enough friends. I try to not burden anyone with my sorry social skills. (I really am a clumsy social oaf. You'll be sweet and say that I'm not, but you should talk to my in-laws, they'll tell you.)

I think the thing to do is bake up something exceptional (pie, perhaps, or homemade cinnamon rolls?) and go with Annalyn to drop it off at her friend's house. Then I can possibly see who the mom is and also extend some kind of greeting to the family lest they perceive me to be so la-di-dah that I can't hob knob with the neighborhood hoi polloi.

(ok, I had to type "polloi" three times because my fingers kept wanted to type "pollio" which is actually quite different.)

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