Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day Date!

Had a fun day date with Ric yesterday to celebrate our anniversary. As anniversary celebrations go, it was sedate, but I enjoyed it. Ric and I both were having horrible allergy troubles today so a relaxing afternoon was just the thing.

We went to lunch at a restaurant we've never tried before, Star of India in Salt Lake City. They have a lunch buffet that was super tasty. We'd bought a Groupon for the restaurant so our buffet was only $10 for both of us. (which is actually a BIG splurge on our current budget!)

Naan bread and Raita:

Chicken Tikka, Chicken Curry and pumpkin before.....

and five minutes later. Nom!

Ric snarfs some Chicken Tandoori:

Love this anise and whatever that they have at Indian restaurants on your way out the door:

Went to Barnes and Noble and found these interesting titles:

While at Barnes and Noble, we sat in the cafe and played 5 Crowns. Thanks to Summer for teaching it to us -- we take our 2 decks of cards everywhere! We were both sneezing and sniffling copiously into our hankies at this time and I'm sure we looked diseased and infectious. I felt like Philadelphia and Ric joked that the management was going to force us to use a separate drinking fountain from the general public.

Ric found this book by my high school English teacher, Ms Toibin (pen name, Elizabeth George):

inside info which may be of interest to those who remember her:

Then over to the theater so we could FINALLY see Eclipse with the last of our movie gift card. My informal critique:

o They did not have as much fun with this movie as they did with the last. If you're going to make a movie about young teenagers, vampires and werewolves caught in a love triangle, you have to have some fun with it.

o I did like that they made the vampires glass-like so that the fight scenes were less grisly. I liked Victoria's red hair against the snow.

o I did not like that they showed such a disturbing scene of Jasper killing a child and did not show (as Ric said they ought) Jasper leaving that coven on his own even before meeting Alice. Made Jasper really unlikeable.

o I also did not like that a few of the scenes (a-hem the tent scene!!) felt rather porn-like in their convoluted efforts to put people in close proximity, alone, in odd and half dressed situations. Creepy! I thought this movie made Bella, Jacob and Edward all look like pretty horrible people.

o Bella looked ugly in most of the scenes with her hair flat and parted in the middle to elongate her face. In one scene she had her hair to the side and looked lovely and then quickly it changed for the rest of the scene. I wondered if they are trying to play down her appearance for this movie so they can play up the newer, *perfected* face that will need to show up in the next.

Found this at the theater:

But left it there because, as it turns out, I already own one just like it:

Then we returned home to severely medicate our disgusting sniffles. Sleep soon followed but not before I caught Ric up on a few more episodes of The Closer and he fixed the virus that showed up on my computer in our absence.

Happy Day!


  1. What a fun date!...didn't we go there when you guys rescued me from "Pat's BBQ"?...I remember the anise at the door and the name sounds familiar ....Summer and I agree with your opinion of Eclipse...I think they sold out to get a more seedy group of people to like this series.

  2. that was a different indian restaurant over in Sandy but I can't remember the name of it. We ate the same things tho', chicken curry and chicken tikka, and they also have the anise at the door.
